Thursday, May 2, 2013

New Friends For the Future!

Osku is safely back at home! It has been amazing couple of years with the best part being having the new friends over the sea! Also Osku and Riikka's baby girl are getting to be the best buddies - thank's for the sunglasses which will make a good use in Finland where finally the long winter is over and we have some sunshine :)

What can we say. Let's stay in touch, dream new projects and enjoy LIFE!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Osku came, Kali left

The package from California!!!!


Oh, my God: it`s Osku! Very californian style.

And a lot of candies with a lovely letter.

The remarkable meeting: "May I kiss you?"

Then Kali left. This was it´s last day in Korso school...

...and there is some sadness in the air.

 Dear friends, IT WAS SO GREAT that you shared these unique experiences with us. Nothing is more important than serious playfulness. Go, Sequoia, go!