Monday, November 28, 2011

Raven Report

Today I found out that Sequoia High School has a newspaper! I had a lot of fun reading all the stories written by Sequoia's own students. The stories usually anywhere from silly to serious, but all of them were so interesting to read.
Each month the journalism class publishes the Raven Report and distributes them to all the classes at Sequoia.
If only I had thumbs, I could be in the journalism class too!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Today I got to go to the pumpkin patch in Half Moon Bay to get ready for Halloween!

After searching for awhile through all the pumpkins,
I even got a special pumpkin just the right size for me:)

It was such a beautiful day in Half Moon Bay! I loved riding in the car on the way home, but I think I liked riding in the wheelbarrow more because I didn't have to wear a seatbelt!

Janina took Kali with her to do sports

Kali in Poland, Warsaw (Puola, Varsova)

Claudia from 7E took Kali for her trip to Poland in September 2011.
Claudia otti Kalin mukaan lomamatkalle Varsovaan, Puolaan!